Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 29-30-31 more crap from the basement

These photos look artsy as shit!  Good job to me!  that pan is scratched to hell and back.  Its just waiting to give someone teflon cancer.  The coffee filter belongs to what?  I dont care because i dont drink coffee.  The weird little yard thingies hold those little tea lights but you all know how i feel about candles.  trash trash and by the curb!

May 28 Trophy

Happy Memorial Day!  Miyagi is sad that the trophy is outta here.  Really it has been in the basement since 2006 (thats the date on it0 and Kevin (my old roomie) apparently didn't want it.  i know this is true because a) he took everything he wanted and b) i asked to make sure.

May 27, cooler

 This cooler is a victim.  It is a victim of being cheap and of being in the wrong place for a long time.  We had to buy this a long time a go when Scott caught a stupid huge fish.  Too big and cool to let go.  But at some point it had a tear.  A small one, which would have been manageable.  BUT, then it lived in the basement for a long long time.  Spiders moved in.  so did cave crickets and other gross things that live in basements.  Fast forward to this past week and you will learn that we got all new pipes!  I won't count the old pipes as getting rid of something but i should.  They were clogged with rust so we were only using about 1/3 of the space.  Then once we got the pretty new pipes the hot water heater exclaimed "fuck this shit!" and decided to make the basement a sauna/ hot tub.  So off to Lowe's we went and not the water is so hot and awesome and clean and sparkly!!!...anyway, i digress.  This cooler above was caught in saunagate 2012 and well, it had to go.  I got rid of a huge box full of bits of garbage but most pieces werent worthy of blogging.  Not that any of this really is...

So fresh and so clean clean!

May 26 some NFT books

Not for tourists that is.  These are all super dated (2005).  I'm putting them in the big bag of books.  Normally this wouldn't count as just one item but I'm going to today.  There were filled with cool hip spots to check out but you know, they kinda arent cool anymore.

Friday, May 25, 2012

5/25 Candle holder

Why are there so many candles at my house?  I NEVER burn these things so i am systematically getting them out of here.  Of course the power should go out for days soon because of it.

5/24 Art

This art came from Wendy.  It was from her old office and she suggested i use the frames.  But after looking at it I realized it looks great in the frames and I should just give it to the thrift store intact.  It isn;t my style so i let it go.  The second pic is so you can see Eggroll has lazer eyes.  Isn't she beautiful?!!!!

I could probably count this as 2 days but I'm being good.

5/22 Miyagi thins the pile again

Miyagi is a dick.  These scissors were AWESOME.  Well, it makes it easier for me when i dont actually get a say so it what goes.

5/22 Otto Man

So sad.  It sits and waits for a new home.  Someone, please.  Anyone?  My house looks cute and fairly well maintained from this distance!

5/21 makeup A SEWING MACHINE!

 I have a bag of part and a sewing machine that have sat and sat.  I probably have about 4 more collections like this.  The timing is off so zigzag stitch is no good.  So these days you just go buy a new one.  I donated this to the thrift store Tuesday but i was nice and added the issues to a piece of peper for the next owner.  someone can make some curtains or something.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday 5/21, failure

I'll make up for it today when I get home.  But yesterday I called home.  I told Scott to bring the TVs from the basement to the street.  A simple task.  It isn't huge, just too huge for me. So, I get home and did Scott do the one simple little task?  Nope.  Instead he moved the 2 TV's to different locations in the basement.  Sigh...see what I am working with?  I guess I will get Bobo to bring them up and we can do what Scott wants and see if they work so he can do what he has planned for them. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunday 5/20 shoes

 We did the Warrior Dash yesterday.It was a lot of fun and while i rated in the bottom 4 percentile, I did it and I had fun.  At the end everyone donates their shoes so mine went in the pile.  YAY!

May 18 Golf Distance finder May 19 belt

 I gave this to Manny.  Scott's friend works at the golf course and i thought he could use it more than anyone.  I guess i could have asked Kevin if he wanted it but I figured he either has one or does not need one. And this belt is blown out.  It does have a secret pocket but whatever.  Its gone now!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Through May 17

 I am considering myself caught up.  This past Sunday Scott was out getting wasted and I was bored so i emptied the closet.  One of them anyway.  I decided to let go of my phone book collection.  And some magazines.  I also got rid of a stack of blinds that are kind of all stuck in one awkward pile.  They're sort of melted together or something.  Its gross.

 Look at the dust!  Yep, I have no house phone so this bad boy is outta here!  Oh and there was a whole bin of empty electronics boxes.  Most of this is from my old roommate.  Some of it is mine, but since the I-pod was stolen last week I guess that box isn't needed anymore.  Neither are the VCR instructions.  Or the old remotes from electronics past. 
Jesus I am such a hoarder.

May 10- scary mask

This is like a best of facebook photos picture.  This terrifying mask SUCKS!  The plastic is warped and it really hurts to wear it.  The eyeballs are in a weird spot so you really cant see when it is on.  BUT it has rad scary fur/hair/ stuff.  I tried to scare Miyagi(the dog) but he wasn't having it.  i tossed the mask in the box.  If anyone ever wants any of these items let me know.

*please disregard the peeling paint.  I am letting all the paitn in the bathroom peel so one day when i tackle this project i will have less scraping to do.

May 7-8-9 a medley if you will

 I only have one skeleton glove.  I would keep it if it was for the other hand. 
 Does anyone want a dog pillow?  No?  Well what if I told you it also turns into a blanket? I got it with a chair and really, it leans against the wall most of the time.
A big bucket of half assed craft supplies.  They take up space.  Wait, not anymore!  I kinda like the tupperware plastic container thing they are in but nope, not keeping it!  This should count as 5 days!  But I'll be good and consider it one day.

By the way, getting rid of all this stuff is really hard! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I still have a few items left to post.  i will try to get on it tomorrow.  I am like 10 days behind and I apologize.  I would like to point out that i am also doing this stuff at work but not always an item each day.  Today i found a palm pilot in my boss's stuff.  It is really nice.  Anyone want it?  Free?

May 4-6 mystery

 These 3 items together tell a story.  It might be fiction but it may be non-fiction.  You tell me.

May 2-3 some chinese paper cutouts (and a candle)

 Why do I have these?  I may have been with Claire, my part Chinese friend but really I have no recollection of buying them except that the panda on a bike was dumb/awesome.  Maybe I got them FOR Claire, but she's part Chinese so she could make them herself I guess.  I feel like they cost a dollar so I am not too upset to let go of them. 
 This candle on the other hand is upsetting.  Mostly because it is disgusting and covered in dust but it smells good.  so there's a ying yang thing going on with my emotions.  My chi is disturbed.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May DAY! Nashville Pussy Poster in need of home

Does anyone want this?  It measures around 16 x 20 or 18 x 22.  It is silk screened and in great shape.

UPDATE!  This lovely gem is being rehomed tonight. 

April 30- bags a plenty

 So bag number one is something I ordered from our bag supplier.  while it is exactly what i needed size-wise, it is WAY to hot topic.  The new balance backpack has been floating from closet to closet for about 6 years.  Its a good size but really, I don't want or need it.  I have no idea where this other bag came from.  Again, nice size and shape but what is an amsect?  To the goodwill store!  ALL OF YOU!

April 29- scary gummy mouth

I gave this to the kid next door.  I'm like the Easter bunny, always leaving stuff on her doorstep.  big thanks to Carrie for gifting this to me originally! 

April 28- spear

A few years ago i was a paper Indian, er...Native American, for Halloween.  I had a headress and spear and i got the brown wrapping/shipping paper and made a dress.  i drew some terrible stereotypical symbols all over the paper, cut some fringe and then considered it done!  Pete and I went to the Clermont that night and it was well, slightly off.  Usually Halloween is AWESOME but  this time it wasn't on a weekend.  We went out the weekend before and then on Monday or Tuesday was real Halloween.  It was a sad sight.  Mondays aren't made for Halloween. 
Anyway, I don't need this spear.  I was going to give it to Carly for a burlesque thing but she didn't need it after all. I'm sure I could find another if I needed one.

April 22-27 lets play catch up!

 My dogs have no idea what to do with a frisbee.  I just tried.  They are dumb.
 Just like all of my eye glasses, these are barely used.  i really only wear glasses at the movies.  sometimes when i am driving in new places.  I like to live life on the edge.
 A long time ago I ran in the Phil Peters Run.  It was at the GBI and you got an awesome shirt.  i think there were only 3 people under 19 so of course i won.  I dont need this thing anymore.  In fact, i have no idea why it has lasted this long.
 There's no CD in this.  It is probably in Scott's car but he treats his CD's so poorly that i doubt it would be in any condition worth snuggling into a jewel case.
 I aint scared of intruders! 
Last, this gem is so full of sparkles that i cannot wear it or it will blind people.  A nice little lady in the neighborhood hoards items like this for special occasions.  I hate to let it go, but someone more deserving should have it.

All of these items will go to goodwill.  Well, maybe i'll call the eye store and see where to donate good used glasses.  They're calvin klein and everything!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April 21- 3 four hour foggers

Does anyone want this?  Too late.  Its in the trash.  i had these under the kitchen sink for about 12 years.  When I bought the house it had a super bad case of fleas.  Thousands.  We had to tuck our pants in our socks they were so bad.  While we were fixing it up to move in we bombed repeatedly.  I think we went through about 12 of these bad boys but we finally solved the problem.  Anyway, I tried to get rid of these on fb and on the local message board so I don't feel bad for throwing them away.

April 20 (4-20 dude) a bike!

Yay for bikes!  But not this bike.  This bike is probably a walmart bike and it is at least 11 years old.  It weighs like 50 pounds and sucks.  My friend stored it in my basement and never came back for it.  The tires are rotten but otherwise it is good if you like super heavy sucky bikes. Scott and Bobo wanted it to go to sopo but instead  I put it by the curb and it was gone within 45 minutes.  I dont feel like running all over town to give free stuff away. 

April 18-19 chairs!

Wow, so I am wayyyyy behind.  I have about 2 weeks of stuff to catch up on.  And no, I haven't been trashing stuff like i should.  I'm counting this as 2 days worth because it was 2 chairs.  Cheat much?  Yes, yes i do. 
So the story- i stole these from Fellini's in like 1995.  I've used them about 3 times.  They were cool once when they were actually pink.  Now they are a kind of grey-pink but not mauve.  They aren;t comfortable, they are heavy and after 12 years in the basement they are dirty and covered in spider webs and egg sacks.  Gross. 
As I was carrying them out, Scott says, "those are cool, we could sell them".  I reminded him that i did not care about the 20 bucks or so plus the time and effort to make the 20 bucks or so.  So what did i do?  Garbage Claus strikes again.  I put them at the next door neighbor's house.  They often have guests and they sit outside so why not?  We put them beside the house as seen in picture one and just last weekend we mentioned them and the neighbors laughed because they never thought twice about them.  They just put them in the shed.