Friday, May 10, 2013

April 12-15 box of stuff

So in my zeal to get this stuff out i forgot to tell you all about more crap i rid myself of a while back.  I was cleaning out my photo file and discovered this gem.  There are some ugly pillow covers or shams as you may say.  Some socks with Christmas trees that are tiny and clearly for a kid 9or anyone but me) and some crappy birthday card things. There may also be stuff under there  but overall that's the main stuff i see. This box has already gone to the thrift store so....

Thursday, May 9, 2013

April 12-13 paint cans!

I'm counting this as 2 for 2 reasons.  One, I got rid of 2 cans of paint that were dried and grody.   Two, I also took two OTHER cans of paint, mixed them, and then considered then one can of light blue.  I then used said can of paint to paint the upstairs bathroom. 

Now, why would I paint the upstairs all of a sudden?  I have a wedding in 2 weeks, so it's a PERFECT time!  Wrong.  It was a stupid move.  Ladies, never start home repair projects right before you get married.  You really do have better things to do.

This weekend i think I will scrape the peely paint in the living room and repaint that.  Sigh...

April 10-11 mailing items again

 So the framed photo is dirty.  I had it in a drawer from yeeeeaaaaarssss ago and it is a picture of someone's balls.  A guy named John and I think my friend sent it to me a long time ago, so I sent it to a different friend because that's funny. Of course I mailed it with no note and no explanation.
Also, I mailed these eyeballs to my friend.  also named John.  Again, no note.  no return address.  Just plastic eyeballs.  I crack myself up!

Wow! Time gets away from me april 8-9

 So, Miyagi struck a while back and I was delusional that these shoes weren't trash.  I guess i needed time to mourn.  Who needs so many pairs of shoes.  Really. 
Also, at my shower the other day i got a bucket of awesome Burt's Bees products.  I dont usually buy those because they can get pricey, but wow these are nice items!  Unfortunately, i came home last night to 10,000 ants in my bathroom.  They realllllly like sugar scrub.  So, I evicted the ants  and then had to rehome the scrub.  Sad, but it's okay.  It went to a nice home where they will use it.