Monday, June 24, 2013

Whew! I've been away.

Sorry I have slacked on the blog (and on purging!) I went and got married!  Then I went to Portugal for 18 days.  It was pretty awesome but my house is a wreck!  so this weekend I went hog wild on the basement.  Things by the curb:

2 pom glasses
12 or more old chemicals like goof off, spackle, wall wash, deck treatment, etc.
a coffee cup and paint brush that presumably were used for turpentine and oil based paint
5 chunks of wood
4 pieces quarter round molding
a golf ball
2 square boxes
a car jack
a bag of silverware (cheap ass shit)
a knife
a weedeater
an edger trimmer thing
a cordless drill
a grill cover
a giant wicket backet that was rotting from being on the basement floor
a stack of outdated papers
some socks
some paint cans
a bunch of plastic garden pots
someof those seed starter plastic pots
some cardboard cup seed starters
some plastic pvc piping
an old office chair
a box of old kitchen wares of scotts from when he moved in

and much more but i cant remember it all.  I was careful to keep the useable stuff to the side and the grody stuff went into trash or recycling.  Within 2 hours a man in a handyman truck pulled up and he took most of the useable stuff!  Yay, reuse!  I consider myself pretty caught up after all that!