Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 A skirt, some craft crap, a game and a windchime.  This is all from the attic.  I'll bring it to angee's yardsale. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Attic pictures

 This top picture is looking directly in the door of the attic.  Scary, disorganized.  It is a horror of rat poo and nest and junk.  Really almost all of it is junk.  The bottom picture is the view to the left while standing just inside the door.  Yes those are my barbies back there.  Over the past week or so I have been slowly pulling stuff out and going through items and trashing stuff.  I hope you look forward to the crap i have hoarded.  By the way, Angee is having a yard sale on Saturday and I will bring my "treasures" there.  Saturday the 29th on Van Epps St.  30316

Sept 21-25 more attic crap

 I would like to state for the record that I am truly horrified by some of the junk in this attic.  Apparently someone (I deny all responsibility) decided to toss a comforter cover/duvet into the attic space.  STINKY!  Its in the trash.  Actually trash came today so its now in the trash truck.  Things for the yard sale are a tiny christmas tree, a frame, and a lamp i made in college.  Don;t be sad, it is actually really ugly and i think there's no hope in making it cute or cool.  Ever.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sept 16-20 all attic all the time

 Gag me with a spoon.  Apparently rodents have been highly active in the attic for a while.  So now I feel like i can get rid of a LOT of it.  2 trash cans full of blurry photos, old bills, empty cassette tapes, etc. A calendar from 2008. Some pencil lead (donated to work) AND 3 toys i have no recollection of existing ever.  I think that's plenty to bring the date up to the 20th.  I have so much more coming.  Right now I am washing a bunch of fabric to determine if it is still good.  I also have a bunch of stacks of crap in front of the TV so this week should be a breeze!  I'm pretty much caught up!  Woohoo!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept 15- WTF? kids watch

This has been in my purse for at least 6 months.  Scott's friend Manny thought of me when he got it in a happy meal.  uh...

Sept 14

Jake moved.  The tiny house was vacant for about 1 day.  Woohoo!  The new tenants are proving to be worthy! 

So, coworkers and Scott say it doesnt count but i hauled piles and piles of crap to the curb that was abandoned by travis and jake.  so i am counting it as at least one day.  4 trashcans of junk.  there's been a stack of crap on their porch since February...ridiculous. 

Sept 11-13

 Seriously, how many TV's can a household have?  One of these is from the tiny house and one is from the basement.  I asked Scott about 32 times to bring the basement one to the curb but he just kept trying to hide it better.  now we are down to one in the basement and I vow to make it leave.  Seriously, they've been in floods and they've been on the musty floor for years.  They are probably a fire hazzard.  AND these 2 sat by the curb for like 4 days!  Thats a record.  The neighborhood is changing...sigh.
 Yet another flower pot.  Where do they all come from?  And why are they all tiny?  I stuck this one on the neighbors porch.  They accept all of my items left on the porch.

Sept 7-10 clothes

 So i got this at a clothes swap.  i never once wore it out of the house it it was more like a nightgown for me.  It served its time but now it is time for it to move on to the next house. 
 And these jeans.  2 pairs that are a bit big.  The give me mom waist because I've lost weight so they sit a touch too high.  Miyagi is not included.  But man isn;t he cute!
 Oh how I love this little shirt thing.  I cant put it on by myself though.  I have vowed to never ever buy anything with a back zip.  Its just dumb.  Luckily this was a freebie!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Anyone want this?

 This is a metal cabinet with a cheap kitchen counter style top.  The slidey door is a little stiff but with some love it could probably loosen up.  Its a great work space and has been for a while but its just serving as a place to stack stuff these days.  Its like 3 feet by 4.5ish.  i can get exact dimensions if anyone is interested.

Sept 1-5. all stuff from the closet and all stuff we dont need.

 This tank top is toast!  It has a couple of new holes and well, its dead.  to the trash!
 Wow, what a scary pillow.  It was living on the floor in the back of the closet.  With mice trying to move in, i cannot let this sort of behavior continue.  Everything off the floor!
 This is a lovely image printed on cheap paper in the shittiest frame.  Goodwill will appreciate it!
 Why do I have 2 missmatched half eaten shoes?  See, this is exactly the problem.  I guess i thought I might need them one day.  Actually their friends are probably somewhere in the house as well.  We'll see!
I gave up couponing so i guess i should give up my coupon folder.  I threw it in the recycle bin. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Aug 23 through 31- 11 books

I went to a book swap.  We were supposed to each bring one book so I brought 11!  I left with 2.  Because i brought so many we all got 2! It was cool.  Everyone drew a number and then it was done white elephant style.  round one was pretty tame but we got tough in round 2.  I ended up with one on my "to read" list and one about animals and amish vets or something like that.

Aug 16 through- 22 all crap from my front porch

 Yeah, there's a lot of crap on my front porch that shouldn;t be here.  So I am banning it.  First step, give the fireworks to someone who will use them.  I gave them to the next door neighbors.  They take all of my junk.
 Next, all these pieces of glass and frame parts and plexi and stuff.  Into the recycle bin!
 I don;t even play chess!  Why do i have all these chess sets?  BE GONE! 
 I swear there are 62 tape guns in this house.  This one must leave.  I will bring it to work.
 How old is this junk?  I tossed them.  And why is there aloe vera gel out here?  Gross. 

gotta get caught up! Aug 15.

A scary chunk of fabric that the mice built a nest in.  Its a war over here.  The real date is Sept 14 so I am trying to get caught up.  So far I have a kill list of 2 mice and 5 junior rats.