Friday, April 20, 2012

April 16

I actually got rid of this on Saturday (mentally, not physically).  It actually has been in my trunk since then because i don't want Scott to see it and think we need it.  This is a rotisserie chicken machine.  Scott's old bandmate Mike's lady friend made us take it.  It came with all the fixin's and I don;t want it.  We have no counter space as it is.  And I would be the only one to ever clean it, so no.  Your little machine cannot come to live here.  It has been in the basement for about a year so I facebooked that shit and Jen will give it a good home.  Supposedly.  She sure is being difficult in regards to meeting up for a trade off or a drop off.  She has until Sunday and then it goes to the next bidder.

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