For a year I have been throwing things out. Sure i replaced a few but the important thing it that for most items i merely purged. I am not drowning in junk like i was but I plan to keep going. With the wedding and registry items approaching I look forward to replacing the busted stuff like the scary toaster out back or the mismatched dishes. I want to have matching glasses and an organized basement. I want to not be embarrassed to have people over. I want to have people come in and feel comfortable and not have to arrange the sheets on the couch so they can't see how gross the couch actually is underneath.

This picture is from the garage. Over a year ago Travis moved out. This is some of the piles of shit I have to contend with. May this coming year free me of garage and basement debris.
May my pillow cases be strong and sturdy and not rip in half when I try to change them. I still have 2 sets of sheets that i sewed back up because they are torn. I'm sure to get some new ones with the wedding stuff.
I won't go to yardsales and buy stuff because it is a quarter or "I might need it". I won't buy anything dumb. Well, that is a lie. I wont buy more socks. Not for a while. You've seen all the ones i got rid of so far. There are still 3 drawers FULL!!!!! But no more picture frames. No more "stuff" unless i need it I hope.
Wish me luck!
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