So I was going to go hogwild on the basement this weekend but it rained. So i was lazy. I am very weather oriented so rain generally means napping. Cold also means napping. Winter is one big fat napfest. But also, my basement leaks. a lot. Which is why the next few batches will show signs of water damage. But for now i have some gems to let go of:
A knob set from when I worked at the architecture firm. It requires more effort that I care to exert in order to install it. It's a shame because the knows are super solid and pretty.
Raffle tickets anyone? This is from when Jessica broke her face a long time ago. We dont talk about that anymore because I will get mad about raiding 10,000+ for a fallen friend only to later realize it was probably her own fault and then she used to money to go on vacation instead of fixing her fucked up life. Sorry, I digress...
Whoa! Those are the annoying messenger pager things that chirp
everytime someone wants to talk to you. When Scott used these i wanted
him dead a lot of the time. Or his friends. They had crazy hours and
would chat on these things at all moments of the day like a pack of
teenage girls on the phone. I threw so solder in there too. Its going to the restore with my other hardware type items.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
March 23- window
Why do I have this? It has seriously been in the basement since the dawn of time. Maybe I wanted to do some art? Thats the only thing i can think of. I am not enough of a go getter to build a garden greenhouse box. So, I have no idea. It is by the curb now. I'll get another one if i really feel the need to have an old window sash. Or i can just get a couple of new windows in the house.
March 18-22- more basement stuff
This stuff is also going to the restore. I should probably hold on the the tile grout thing but please don't stop me! NO! It is in the box and it will stay in the box!
March 17
This is a purple Addidas sweatshirt. It is very nice quality but its just a tad bit too small. I have decided I shouldn't hang on to stuff that i feel dorky wearing, because if i accidently find myself in public in it then I am incredibly uncomfortable. Besides, I have about 6 more hoodie sweatshirts and this one is a like too Barney colored.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Mar 11-16- more basement stuff!
Four lamp globes. These are going to the Habitat for Humanity Restore. They're like 5 bucks each if i ever realize i actually did need them. Also, i have this lock set. Why? I don;t know. Its old enough that the plastic is brittle and breaks but it is new enough that the whole set is still in the package. And the brid plant holder things....well, I dont need them. They are too small. I suppose i could go hang them in some trees or something but eh, we'll just throw the whole lot in the box for Restore.
I'm so close to caught up1 I plan to ditch some more basement stuff this weekend. You would think it would be empty by now, but is still full to the brim!
I'm so close to caught up1 I plan to ditch some more basement stuff this weekend. You would think it would be empty by now, but is still full to the brim!
March 11- critter ridder
Regina complains about animals on her grass at home. She lives in a condo and well, she's not an animal lover. Don;t get me wrong, she doesn't hate them or want them dead- she just wants them to not poop in her grass. It ruins her day when the grass gets those yellow spots from dog pee. So, she mentioned that she heard about a product called critter ridder or something. She was going to get some at the hardware store. WELL, guess what?! I found some in my basement! It is on her desk awaiting her return. It smells a little peppery and is supposed to just make animals go somewhere else. We'll see!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
March 1-7- basement stuff
So, I hit the basement hard the other day in an effort to get caught up. I threw away a soccer ball, some caulk (heh heh) some spackle, a paint brush that was dried into a weird shape, a wire basket that cant possibly hold anything because it is open wire. I also got rid of at least 2 gloves.
To top off the week I got rid of these swedish fish. They are at least a year old, hard as a rock, and they were probably gross before all of that!
To top off the week I got rid of these swedish fish. They are at least a year old, hard as a rock, and they were probably gross before all of that!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Feb 26-28- wall stuff
I have a dry erase board. I do not want it. See, i sent Scott to Office Depot to get a magnetic dry erase and well, he got one half right. We needed it for fests but alas, we made do without it.
These owls were going to be office decor but they are too small. i wanted big things so I have gifted this set of owls to Jen. She can be the crazy owl lady instead of me!
These owls were going to be office decor but they are too small. i wanted big things so I have gifted this set of owls to Jen. She can be the crazy owl lady instead of me!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Feb 26- light switch cover
Sigh, what was I thinking when I bought (and installed) a hologram leopard print light switch cover? Oh, and these blind holder things can go too.
Feb 23-25 garage junk
Travis moved out like a year and a half ago. I keep telling him to come empty the garage but he dilly dallys so i have slowly been throwing out the obvious trash. This bike helmet and bike tires were probably Scott's to begin with. They went to the trash along with a cracked blue storage bin.
You know, the worst part is the spider. I HATE spiders and the basement is full of them. Especially black widows. There are lots of black widows. ARRRRRGHHHH!!!!!!
You know, the worst part is the spider. I HATE spiders and the basement is full of them. Especially black widows. There are lots of black widows. ARRRRRGHHHH!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Feb 22, this sock sucks
This is what my sock does. Below is how it is supposed to behave. BEGONE!
All day my shoe has been eating my socks. I am so pissed i could tear them to shreds! Instead I dusted real quick around the baseboards and then trashed them.
All day my shoe has been eating my socks. I am so pissed i could tear them to shreds! Instead I dusted real quick around the baseboards and then trashed them.
Feb 20-21, red planter and a grate
These were both on the back porch so in effort to get caught up i am doubling up. I'm only a week and a half behind but I swear i have pics of stuff i have trashed! The top item is a red planter. It has been empty and then i guess it froze and died. Planters just don;t last like they used to. And I cannot tell you about the grate. I CANNOT!
Feb 19, grill brush
This is disgusting. I think it has been in this exact spot since Kevin moved out like 5 years ago. That is a tangle of dog fur. disgusting. I am ashamed of myself.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Feb 13, valentine!
Coincidently the President was in town on Valentine's Day when she found it. She went down the street to ask the cops at the barricade and they definitely did not like her approaching the road block.
As a side note, my job is awesome and we got to walk a block and wait for Obama to come by. We all waved and it was cool. Also, after he left I got to stand at his podium and pretend to be more awesome than i am.
Feb 8 -18 makeup and bathroom sundries
It started with the 2 eyeliner crayon things. Then the next day I got wild and really cleared the crap out. These are all products that either suck, are super old, or smell grody. Except the skull soap. I'm just never really going to use it.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Feb 7- Rob Lowe Book
This was actually a really good book! He doesn't really give dirt but it is a pleasant story of growing up Hollywood. I gave it to Wendy even though her dogs will probably eat it. Oh, and Pelicans like it too!
Feb 5-6- Happy Anniversary!!!!!!
For a year I have been throwing things out. Sure i replaced a few but the important thing it that for most items i merely purged. I am not drowning in junk like i was but I plan to keep going. With the wedding and registry items approaching I look forward to replacing the busted stuff like the scary toaster out back or the mismatched dishes. I want to have matching glasses and an organized basement. I want to not be embarrassed to have people over. I want to have people come in and feel comfortable and not have to arrange the sheets on the couch so they can't see how gross the couch actually is underneath.
This picture is from the garage. Over a year ago Travis moved out. This is some of the piles of shit I have to contend with. May this coming year free me of garage and basement debris.
May my pillow cases be strong and sturdy and not rip in half when I try to change them. I still have 2 sets of sheets that i sewed back up because they are torn. I'm sure to get some new ones with the wedding stuff.
I won't go to yardsales and buy stuff because it is a quarter or "I might need it". I won't buy anything dumb. Well, that is a lie. I wont buy more socks. Not for a while. You've seen all the ones i got rid of so far. There are still 3 drawers FULL!!!!! But no more picture frames. No more "stuff" unless i need it I hope.
Wish me luck!
May my pillow cases be strong and sturdy and not rip in half when I try to change them. I still have 2 sets of sheets that i sewed back up because they are torn. I'm sure to get some new ones with the wedding stuff.
I won't go to yardsales and buy stuff because it is a quarter or "I might need it". I won't buy anything dumb. Well, that is a lie. I wont buy more socks. Not for a while. You've seen all the ones i got rid of so far. There are still 3 drawers FULL!!!!! But no more picture frames. No more "stuff" unless i need it I hope.
Wish me luck!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Feb 4- 2 pots
Shhhh. Scott doesn't know I am getting rid of cookware. He loves having a zillion pots and pans. I hate it. We have 3 of both of these sizes. Well, we did. Not we have 2.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Feb 2-3 a light and a seal
So Miyagi has been hunting. After years of ignoring the fireplace mantle he has struck. It seems that Mr. Miyagi now has a taste for taxidermy and critters. This was a tiny seal made from real seal fur way back when it wasn't uncool to make such an item. Sarah gave it to me and while I am sorry it is gone, and not by my own doing, I will count it anyway.
Next is a light. It isn't real neon but it is a bar sign that lights up. I went to switch the laundry over and i caught that little jerk Miyagi peeing on it. So I cleaned it up and gave it to the neighbor. It has been in my basement for 12 years and I have no idea where it came from. I give all my junk to the neighbors so my house will seem that much more organized.
Next is a light. It isn't real neon but it is a bar sign that lights up. I went to switch the laundry over and i caught that little jerk Miyagi peeing on it. So I cleaned it up and gave it to the neighbor. It has been in my basement for 12 years and I have no idea where it came from. I give all my junk to the neighbors so my house will seem that much more organized.
Feb1 baby cradle
Aw, who's the baby? If i thought Miyagi would be a cute baby in this cradle then I would have kept it.
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