Once upon a time I decided to try the crazy couponing game. I did alright. But man does it add to your pain-in-the-add factor of your life. First, you have to get the paper, usually 2. Then you have to sign up for all these stupid coupon sites. You have to cut the coupons and you have to watch the sales and do homework before you go to the store. THEN, when you do go to the s
After that I was cramming stuff in the closet and there was a bag on a hook. It had some hats in it. I was nice and brought the hats to Scott and he kept one out of 3. So now we have 2 less flourescent hats in our lives. I had to rock myself to sleep over that one.
Summary: We got rid of a cluttering habit and 2 hats and a bag (in the goodwill box). Good job!
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