Scott cleaned house yesterday and then he stacked all the shit in the computer room. He made sure to make it a pain in the ass for me to get to the computer so I had to tackle some stuff. First- coupons.
Once upon a time I decided to try the crazy couponing game. I did alright. But man does it add to your pain-in-the-add factor of your life. First, you have to get the paper, usually 2. Then you have to sign up for all these stupid coupon sites. You have to cut the coupons and you have to watch the sales and do homework before you go to the store. THEN, when you do go to the s

tore you have to buy a shit ton of some of the good deals and stock up. so then you have like 5 boxes of cheerios, 10 packs of pasta, 8 spaghetti sauces...well you get the idea. This is NOT conducive to de-cluttering. So, I ended it. I cleaned out my coupon holder thing last night and tossed everything expired. I haven't been doing much with it so almost all were expired. I figure I will use the ones the machine spits out at Kroger and the free booklets that come in the mail.
After that I was cramming stuff in the closet and there was a bag on a hook. It had some hats in it. I was nice and brought the hats to Scott and he kept one out of 3. So now we have 2 less flourescent hats in our lives. I had to rock myself to sleep over that one.
Summary: We got rid of a cluttering habit and 2 hats and a bag (in the goodwill box). Good job!